Episode 28 – Getting Stage Work

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2 thoughts on “Episode 28 – Getting Stage Work

  1. Jay Jennings says:

    30 years ago (yeah, I’m old!) I made my living as a magician — and listening to this episode of the podcast I realized I never did do the whole close-up thing with restaurant gigs, private parties, etc.. Yeah, I participated in a couple magic club close-up shows, etc., but I never hired out doing close-up. I was really only interested in stage performing, so that’s what I concentrated on.

    I guess my tip for “transitioning” into more stage shows would be, stop doing close-up shows. 🙂

    Or, if you’re just getting into performing, there’s nothing that says you have to do close-up shows first, and then “graduate” to stage shows. I’m now getting back into performing, this time as a mentalist, and I don’t intend to do any close-up shows. I want to do stage shows, so that’s what I’m working on.
